Friday, August 2, 2013

My Blog!

So I felt this was something I had to do.  A lot of my friends use an online blog to keep updated with their racing so I felt I could give it a go.  There are a lot of people who always are asking how my season is going and I felt this might be helpful to keep people in the loop.

A little background about my sports experience: growing up my brothers and I were really big into basketball.  During middle school we traveled all around the area going to basketball camps and played on various teams.  I lacked the aggressiveness for the sport and didn't want to put in the time to get much better.  Instead, I was more interested in picking the game apart and evaluating situations.  During high school I tried football and basketball but that was it.  I didn't do track because it was assumed I would and I didn't want to be what everyone expected me to be.

Freshman year of college I took a lap swimming class and got a bike to commute between classes.  Basically, things have escalated from there.

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